


We use only the highest quality materials available on the global market. This is truly first-rate material. Quality is very important to us and is why we do not use any second quality or recycled materials.

Recycled plastics can only be used as an auxiliary material. They are not suitable for load bearing or static loads, nor for contact with food, drinking water or aggressive substances and liquids.

Most commonly, tanks are made of polypropylene (PP) or polyethylene (PE), but due to the chemical resistance and the environment of the tank, they can also be made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). 

The material types processed by us are – PP-H, PP-C, PP-B, PP-R, PE-HD PE-80, PE-100, PE-500, PE-1000, PVC-U, PVC-C, PVDF, possibly plexiglass and others.

We also offer these materials for direct sale. We can supply a wide range of semi-finished products – mainly plates, but also bars, tubes or special profiles.
We also supply pumps, probes, valves, fittings and other products related to our production, for which we guarantee their quality and reliability thanks to our experience with the products and supplier’s verification.

We use the finest materials available on the global market.

Copyright Pagroma